Hey everyone!

I just thought that I’d write a quick blog entry about some of the changes that I’ve made to my process while working on the next installment of Wish Star. Previously, everything was hand drawn and inked (even the lettering) with only the colors being digital. I’ve since become much more proficient and confident using my graphics tablet. Consequently I have decided to move the entire process over to digital. This has several advantages for me: it lets me spend more time working and less time cleaning ink pens, and it frees me from lettering by hand (the biggest hold up for me last season). I am not opposed to continuing to work with traditional media however, and if anyone would like to see any good old pencil-and-paper work please let me know! But as of now, the main comic line itself is being hand drawn digitally.

Look for the next episode of Wish Star coming this Monday! I know I’m excited. I hope everyone else is too!